Fieldwork in Uganda, Budongo Forest (2011)

Fieldwork in Uganda, Budongo Forest (2011)

Monday 3 February 2014

What's next?

Spending time travelling and working in projects around the world during the last couple of years I realise I have a backpack full of crazy stories and beautiful pictures which are often put in a corner when coming back. 

I don't want to bother everyone with my stories, nor organise evenings showing all my holiday and chimpanzee pictures. However, last week I had the opportunity to talk about my work as a researcher in primatology to a class of enthusiastic children. It was amazing seeing their eyes lighting up when I talked about all the endangered species in the forests of Cameroon, Uganda and DRC. They reminded me of myself, when my father took me to see Jane Goodall and how it completely changed my life. A girl asked me how a simple Belgian girl got the chance to work in such extraordinary circumstances...good question!

I guess anything is possible if only you want it enough...

[Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, sitting in a tree in the Budongo Forest, Uganda]

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